Tear and Share Poems To Make Kindness Cool! It’ll Be Okay, And You Will Be Too is a book of inspirational words meant to be read, shared, and (quite literally) torn apart and left behind.
In these pages, you will discover beautiful and encouraging insights—words that will keep you fighting and ask you never to give up on life or yourself. The “love bombs” contained in these pages are a light amidst the darkness. Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a stranger to brighten their day.*
*Pages are perforated so you can easily tear and share, frame, or leave behind.
This is why I started leaving strangers messages of hope, and why I turned these messages into a book just for you.
I liked the idea of surprise, an unexpected epiphany that in our crazy world, a stranger could stumble on a bit of connection, a bit of hope, something helpful. I liked the idea that I could do something to change the world, and I could carry it around with me, I could do it anonymously, easily, cheaply, and freely, anywhere at any time. I liked the idea of leaving a bit of light for others to find. I hope you do the same.
It’ll Be Okay, And You Will Be Too.
It’ll Be Okay, And You Will Be Too.
Tear and Share Poems To Make Kindness Cool! It’ll Be Okay, And You Will Be Too is a book of inspirational words meant to be read, shared, and (quite literally) torn apart and left behind.
In these pages, you will discover beautiful and encouraging insights—words that will keep you fighting and ask you never to give up on life or yourself. The “love bombs” contained in these pages are a light amidst the darkness. Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a stranger to brighten their day.*
*Pages are perforated so you can easily tear and share, frame, or leave behind.
This is why I started leaving strangers messages of hope, and why I turned these messages into a book just for you.
I liked the idea of surprise, an unexpected epiphany that in our crazy world, a stranger could stumble on a bit of connection, a bit of hope, something helpful. I liked the idea that I could do something to change the world, and I could carry it around with me, I could do it anonymously, easily, cheaply, and freely, anywhere at any time. I liked the idea of leaving a bit of light for others to find. I hope you do the same.
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